Saturday, June 24, 2023

Secrets of the Dax'thuu Announcement: Progress Update - 6/24/2023 (Repost from TWS Blog)

  It's been a little while since I've talked about SOTDT sooo time for some updates!

Progress has been slow due to personal reasons, but slowly I am picking away at fleshing out the content in SOTDT. I have a Lot of content to go through and revise so that it is more easily digestible so it will still be a while, but keep your eye out for it on the main SOTDT Blog where it will be posted:
(You are Here, this is the Original Post)

Aside from that, how about a little sneak peak into the sheer Size of SOTDT:

Secrets of the Dax'thuu adds in:

- 6 new Races
- 5 new Classes
 - 50+ Pages of new Spells
- Around 20 Pages of new Features
- A whole host of new rules focused around crafting and hunting monsters
- A boat load of references
- A World with Rich and Deep lore
- New Weapons
- New Systems

Note: this is as it stands now and there will probably be something that gets cut or added.

Additionally: SOTDT will also have an 18+ Addon called Devious Desires, which will host a wide variety of odd otherworldly kinks and lewd stuff, for those who are of age and wish to spice things up for them and their (Probably) horny D&D group.

I can not wait for this to finally get released and I hope you all will enjoy this greatly!~

Until then, Stay well,

- W <3 L F